Boeing 737 MAX - passenger jet

Check out our pre-planned flight experiences and choose yours!
We can also plan a flight specifically made for you, please contact us.

Jump to the Captain's seat and fly wherever you want to!

A visit to the Finnish Aviation Museum is included in the simulator price.

Take a look at our Frequently asked questions.


1. Helsinki-Tallinn, 30 minutes, 99 euros

This basic course provides the excitement of takeoff and the joy landing. With the assistance of our instructors you will learn about the most essential functions of the Boeing cockpit.

30-minutes flight simulator experience includes:

  • 5 min: familiarization of flightdeckcontrols.
  • 25 min flight: we will do a takeoff from Helsinki Airport and land in Tallinn or the route can be randomly chosen.

There are two seats in the front and 4 in the back. Bring friends and family with you with the same price!

2. Difficult landings course, 45 minutes, 139 euros

This experience provides an opportunity to explore the world's best-known approaches.
With the assistance of our instructors you will learn about the most essential functions of the Boeing cockpit.

45-minute flight simulator experience includes:

  • 2 min: familiarization of the flightdeck controls.
  • 10 min: takeoff from any Airport.
  • 33 min: we will do 2-3 landings. We will start the flight from a mode when the aircraft is in a ready position in the air

There are two seats in the front and 4 in the back. Bring friends and family with you with the same price!

3. Pilot's course, 60 minutes, 159 euros

This course provides the excitement of takeoff and the joy landing. We will also do 1-3 additional landings. With the assistance of our instructors you will learn about the most essential functions of the Boeing cockpit.

60-minutes flight simulator experience includes:

  • 5 min: familiarization of flightdeck controls.
  • 30 min: we will do a takeoff from Helsinki and a landing to Tallinn. Other routes are also possible. After this we will do 1-3 landings to an airport of your own choice.

There are two seats in the front and 4 in the back. Bring friends and family with you with the same price!

4. Captain's course, 90 minutes, 199 euros

This experience provides a comprehensive experience of what takes place on the flightdeck. If you truly want to know how a passenger jet is operated then this is your choice.

90-minutes flight simulator experience includes:

  • 5 min: familiarization of flightdeck controls.
  • 38min: programming of the aircraft's flight computer, perform a start-up(cold start), taxiing to the runway.
  • 30 min flight: takeoff, reach cruise altitude, as well as land at a pre-selected airport.
  • 20 min: 1-2 landings on an airport of your own choice.

There are two seats in the front and 4 in the back. Bring friends and family with you with the same price!

5. Fear of flight course, 90 minutes, 199 Euros

This course is designed to help people who have a fear of flying. During the course we will go through aircraft operations, emergency situations, why the aircraft causes certain sounds, and you will also
fly the aircraft.

Fear of flying is very common, and in worst case, it can ruin your holiday plans. Takeoff wants to help alleviate the fear and open up the secrets of aircrafts', so that during your next flight you will know exactly what it is going on. Our course does not concentrate on psychology but rather concrete things that happen with the aircraft.There will not be a professional psychologists present.

The course consists of two sessions:

A 60 minutes flight from Helsinki to Tallinn during which will go through the theory of thunder, wind, ice, turbulence, how airplanes fly, statistics and stalling. A 30 minutes flight during which we will make more landings and demonstrate the capabilities of the aircraft.

There are two seats in the front and 4 in the back. Bring friends and family with you with the same price!

6. An airline pilot's working day, 120 minutes, 229 Euros

This experience provides a comprehensive experience of what takes place on the flight deck. How pilot's prepare for a flight and what goes on in the cockpit when a flight is performed from Helsinki to Stockholm. This is done in great detail.

120-minute flight simulator experience includes:

  • 10 min briefing; we go through the aircraft, flight plan, weights and weather
  • 15 min preparation: we will program the flight computer and check the flight deck
  • 65 min flight: we will do push-back from gate, taxing to the runway, takeoff, climb to cruising altitude, flight routines, approach,landing, taxing to gate and aircraft shutdown.We can use current weather conditions and possibly air traffic control.
  • 30 min: After the first flight we will do 1-3 more landings.

There are two seats in the front and 4 in the back. Bring friends and family with you with the same price.

6. Corporate

  • Corporate prices are 159 euros/hour/per simulator (inc VAT) and in this is included entry for all the participants to the Aviation Museum. Simulators (A320 ja B737) can each do around 6 landings per hour.
  • We recommend taking taking both simulators at the same time for at least 2 hours. Ask more